Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spin Cycle


Teresa said...

I really hope Rand Paul wins in the election.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Congrats on Paul's win in Ky. Fox has him up by over 20 points. Score one for the Tea Party and cleaning out the waste from the Repub. party.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Congratulations Carl. I don't necessarilly view this as a Tea Party victory as much as a victory for someone with convictions and integrity. Rare combination in politics these days.

Oso said...

I echo Truth's comment. IMO there was a speed bump, chalk it up to experience and move on.Paul's still the better candidate.

All the liberal piling on annoys the hell outta me. The Democrats just sold them out again, killing Merkley-Levin so IMO Obama can deliver a Wall St friendly reform pkg-but instead of anger at being sold out they celebrate their loss and bash Paul.

Carl Wicklander said...

Thanks, Oso.

This is all a distraction. I think it will blow over but Rand needs to get better at handling these "gotcha" questions.

Oso said...

One of the things which first impressed me about Ron Paul was his absolute honesty, no matter the audience. His view aren't always what the audience wants to hear, but the message never varies.

Rand may have inherited the same honesty, but when asked if something makes another persons butt look big-discretion is what's called for!

Carl Wicklander said...

Great point, Oso! Although I basically agree with what Rand said, this is a battle he just cannot win.